Expression of Interest | Provincial Indigenous Clinical Advisory Table – Depression and Anxiety-Related Disorders

Expression of Interest | Provincial Indigenous Clinical Advisory Table – Depression and Anxiety-Related Disorders

  • Led by the Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence at Ontario Health (MHA COE), with secretariat support from Shkaabe Makwa at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the Provincial Indigenous Clinical Advisory Table on Depression and Anxiety Related Disorders (PICAT-DARD) convenes First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and Urban Indigenous knowledge carriers and clinical content experts to discuss the landscape of mental health services and supports in Ontario, with a focus on depression and anxiety-related disorders, as well as The Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP) program. Inuit, and/or Métis clinical and system leaders are invited to submit an expression of interest to join the Ontario Health Provincial Indigenous Clinical Advisory Table – Depression and Anxiety Related Disorders (PICAT-DARD).

  • See attached poster for more information

  • Access the application form here

Maya Kurup