Resource | Assessing Sociodemographic Disparities in HPV Vaccine Uptake Among Grade 6 and 9 Students in the Vancouver Coastal Health Region

Resource | Assessing Sociodemographic Disparities in HPV Vaccine Uptake Among Grade 6 and 9 Students in the Vancouver Coastal Health Region

·         Though publicly funded HPV vaccine is offered to all students in grade 6 and 9, in a space that maximizes programmatic access, sociodemographic factors associated with under-immunized populations were identified. This information can be leveraged for strategic targeting of resources to underimmunized schools or students to mitigate impacts. The repeat offering of HPV vaccine in an older grade (grade 9 in BC) is a key programmatic strategy to reach under-immunized populations and should be complemented by other creative approaches.

·         Access the resource here

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